The cron component is in control of running cron for your Magento instance.
When cron is enabled it will run the correct script / command for the specific kind of instance.
N.B: cron only runs once every 10 mins in development.
Regardless of instance type the logs for fron can be found at: ~/htdocs/var/log/cron.log
You will not be able to see the crontab from SSH. (As SSH is into the PHP-FPM container).
The default crontab for production is:
* * * * * cd /home/magento/htdocs; php bin/magento cron:run >> var/log/cron.log 2>&1;
The default crontab for development is:
*/10 * * * * cd /home/magento/htdocs; php bin/magento cron:run >> var/log/cron.log 2>&1;
If you think there is an issue with cron service running you can investigate using the following methods
- Review the cron_schedule database table to ensure jobs are being scheduled and executed
- Review the above cron.log file to review the output
- Restart your Cron service in MDOQ
If after reviewing all of the above you are sure the issue is not related to code, please raise a ticket with us.
- Enable - if cron should be enabled for the instance
- Additional Cron Jobs - commands (in addition to core magento jobs) you would like to run
- User - the user to run the command
- Cron Expression - the cron expression to specify the frequency of the job
- Command - the command to run