This component is responsible for managing SFTP access to the instance.
This component behaves differently for production and development instances.
Development Instances
When enabled MDOQ will create an SFTP access point at the root of the instance and generate a random password for you.
Within the SFTP access point the files will be available at /home/mdoq/htdocs this will be the same as the PHP-FPM location /home/magento/htdocs
- Enabled - To enable or disable SFTP access.
Production Instances
For production instances you are able to configure multiple SFTP access points. This allows you to restrict access to certain directories for your production site. For example you may want an access point just for the log directory so you can easily download log files.
Once you have configured access points you will need to sync the SFTP component for the production instance for them to become available.
- Access Points - A list of SFTP access points you would like for your instance
- Endpoint - This field will be visible when the SFTP access point has been set up. It will provide the connection string for the access point e.g sftp://
- Description - This is a human description for the mount point. (N.B this is used to identify the access point, if you want multiple access points they must all have a unique description)
- Directory - This is the directory you want to limit the access point to. The target directory will be used as the directory name within the SFTP access (see examples below).
- ./ - access to the full code base. This will be available at /home/mdoq/htdocs within the access point. (/home/magento/htdocs from within the PHP-FPM container)
- ./pub/media - access to the media directory only. This will be available at /home/mdoq/media within the access point. (/home/magento/htdocs/pub/media from within the PHP-FPM container)
- ./var/log - access to the log directory only. This will be available at /home/mdoq/log within the access point. (/home/magento/htdocs/var/log from within the PHP-FPM container)
- Enable Password - If you would like password authentication enabled for the access point.
- Password - The password you would like to use, if password access is enabled.
- Enable SSH Key - If you would like SSH key authentication enabled for the access point.
- Identities - A list of the identities you would like to allow access to the access point.
- Name - A human description for the key. (N.B this is used to identify the identity, if you want multiple identities they must all have a unique name)
- Public Key - The public part of the key you would like to allow access.
- Enable for development instances - If you would like development instances to have SFTP access enabled by default.