This component is responsible for managing credentials and actions relating to source control.
You can find these settings by:
- Selecting your Production or Live Connector instance
- Click "Settings"
- Navigate to "Source Control" and expand the tab
- Enable - If source control should be enabled. This must be enable for MDOQ to be able to interact with source control.
- Source Control - The source control system you use.
- Main Branch - The branch you want MDOQ to treat as the "main branch", this will be the target branch for all deployments as well as the default branch instances are created from.
- Api Username - The username MDOQ should use when interacting with your source control system api.
- Api Password - The password MDOQ should use when interacting with your source control system api.
- Repo Url - The url of your repository within your source control system.
- Private SSH Key - The private part of an SSH key pair that is allow write access to your repository.
- Synthesize Source Control - By default MDOQ expects your code backups to contain a
directory. This gives MDOQ a base to work from, as well as ensuring your instances are as close to production as possible. However some deployment methods/strategies remove this directory from production. If this is the case enabling this will tell MDOQ to clone yourdefault
branch and merge with your code backup during the creation process.
N.B: this may cause your instance creation time to increase depending on the size of your repository.