This introduction on getting started with MDOQ explains the key pillars in developing with MDOQ. How to deploy code from a branch or instance.
- Create an instance and carry out some work - with a basic understanding of git, this can become quickly familiar and have you developing and deploying code quickly. Key activities when developing on an instance are:
- Creating a new instance
- Merge master into your branch - this ensures that other work carried out by other developers, is merged into your branch. Please ensure you then 'Git Pull' to pull the code to the instance.
If you already have a branch in your source control just specify this branch as the ticket number for the instance, MDOQ will then create an instance on this branch for you. If a branch doesn't exist, MDOQ will create a branch based of your configured "main" branch.
- Carry out your work on the instance as you would when working locally. To see how you can connect/access your instance see:
Accessing the database
Instance SSH Access
Developer Code Access / Workflow
Once happy with your work move on to the next step.
- Push your work - Click the GitHub icon, then ‘Git Push’ - this will do a dry-run and list all files which have changed. Here you can select only the files you know you have changed. This can sometimes suggest changes might be required to .gitignore but effectively just allows MDOQ to help you commit and push work to the associated branch.
- Im Done (Deployment Preparation) - Click ‘I’m Done’ and select your "main" branch.
(if you see the message "You are behind branch" you will need to merge branch)
Dont worry MDOQ won't merge this work in straight away it just needs to know where the work will go eventually.
- MDOQ will then recreate the instance and run regression tests.
If all the tests pass MDOQ will automatically move to the next step, if not you will get the option to review the fails. At which point you can chose to go back to the development stage, or proceed anyway.
- MDOQ will recreate the instance a final time and set the instance for "Client Acceptance" this is your opportunity to have a human review the instance and confirm all is well.
If you're happy click "Client Accepted".
If you're not happy click "Client declined"
- Once accepted you will get the oppurtunity to specify a tag.
MDOQ will then merge the instance into the previously specified instance, and create a "deployment" of the instance. (This will not make the work live)
- Deployment (taking the work live)
Select the production instance > "Perform Release"
Here you will be able to select if the instance is downtime or not, see Perform Release for more details.
You are now using the basic MDOQ Development workflow and deploying code! There are loads of other features and knowledge-base documents so please don't stop there. If you are unsure, please reach out to us on a support system, our engineers will be more then happy to assist.