How to upgrade PHP-FPM for your Magento site, using MDOQ.
This might be required because a new version is required by a Magento upgrade, though you may chose to upgrade PHP for other reasons.
In this guide we are going to work through the process of getting PHP-FPM upgrade on your production instance.
Please follow the steps in this order:
- Identify the version of PHP-FPM you want to upgrade to (see Requirements).
- Test the upgrade on a development instance (see Testing Process).
- Deploy the upgrade on your production instance (see Production Process).
Before we can begin we need to know what version of PHP-FPM we are wanting to upgrade to. If you are unsure we recommend using the Magento Upgrade Calculator.
Testing Process
Before deploying an upgrade to production, we need to test the new version in an environment away from production. Fortunately this is just what MDOQ was designed to do.
- Create a new instance.
- Edit the settings of the instance, set the PHP version to the one desired. Then click "save" (MDOQ should give you a message above the "save" button about it needing to sync PHP).
- Wait for sync to complete.
- Open ssh and run
bin/magento cache:flush
- You can now test the instance to see if it runs correctly on the updated PHP.
If you are happy with the testing carried out you are ready to move to the Production Process. We strongly recommend you leave this instance in place until after you have upgraded PHP-FPM on production, as this will allow MDOQ support to assist if you experience issues on production. (This will allow us to validate if issues are production only (likely infrastructure related) or exist in development also (likely application related)).
Production Process
Warning before carrying this process out on production please ensure your site is in "MDOQ Production State" - You can identify this by selecting your instance within the MDOQ UI, if there is a "Go Live" button you are not in MDOQ Production State you should contact us to identify the best next steps.
This process will upgrade PHP-FPM on your production site, it will cause downtime whilst the services are recreated.
Optional steps can be done by yourself, these are here for added security in the event of an unexpected issue, they will cause the whole process to take longer and aren't strictly required.
- Select production instance.
- Edit the settings of the instance, set the PHP version to the one desired. Then click "save".
- (optional) enable maintenance mode
- (optional) run a code backup
- (optional) run a db backup
- Select "Sync", check "PHP-FPM", click "Sync"
- Wait for completion
- (optional) disable maintenance mode
- Test the site.